

Morocco best trips from Casablanca’s destinations


From our tours, Casablanca, is the economical city of Morocco is an great place to visit. Subsequently, there are many attractions that we will discover. To begin with, the main and the most attraction is the mosque of Hassan II, it’s the only mosque in Morocco where none Muslims are allowed to enter inside.

Second, the corniche of Ain Diab, the seaside ridge where locals walk also where luxury hotels exist, roads, and fancy restaurants. Moreover, there is also a pub and a restaurant named Rick’s Café, is the place where they made the famous movie Casablanca.

From our desert Morocco tours from Casablanca, you will discover the administrative capital city Rabat.

From our best Casablanca tours, we will make you to discover the administrative capital city Rabat. There are various attractions to visit. To begin with, the Hassan tower is the minaret of an infinished mosque that was supposed to be the largest in the world.

Yusuf Yaqub Al Mansur wanted to make sure it will reach 88 m but as it is not finished, it is only 44 m now. Later, we will visit L’Oudayas, it is a Kasbah close to the old Medina. Furthermore, we will discover Challah or Shalla, the medieval reinforced Muslim necropolis.

Desert tour from Casablanca toward Tangier.

Tangier is also one of our best attractions you will be visiting with our day trip from Casablanca to Tangier. For that purpose, there are several attractions that we will visit. First, we will see the archaeological cave where Hercules rested, it’s situated in the Cape Spartel, and the opening cave is shaped almost similar to the African map.

Second, Tangier is also known for the American legation museum, it memorialize the strong relationship between Morocco and the USA. Also, it’s the first monarchy of the USA outside its country. Third, we will cross by the Atlantic ocean to visit the Cape Spartel’s mosque, a promontory about 12km from the center of Tangier. In the end, we will have a walk in the souk of the old Medina (town).

Chefchaouen is one of the best places to visit with our tours from Casablanca.

With our requested tours of Morocco from Casablanca, you will discover the blue pearl city of Morocco, Chefchaouen. For this reason, there are several things to do in this city for a short time.

To begin with, the Kasbah at Outat El Hamam, the first building that was built by Moulay Ali Ben Moussa Ben Rached El Alami. The next best thing we will see at Chefchaouen is Rass El Ma, which means the source of the water if you wanna translate it.

Right in this place, there are tiny waterfalls coming out from the Rif Mountains. Moreover, we will hike up to Djebel El Kalaa for the panoramic view of the city. Akchour waterfalls are 25 km away from Chefchaouen, the great waterfalls in the Rif mountains. This attraction is only in our Morocco 2 week programs.

From tour from Casablanca you will discover one of the most Imperial cities that is Meknes:

From our tour programs from Casablanca, you will be able to visit the charming city of Meknes. First, our tours coming from Chefchaouen to Meknes, we will visit Volubilis. Here, it is required to pay a ticket for the entrance. These Roman ruins are the heritage and protected by the Unesco, it was built by the Berbers. 

Around 20 km from Meknes. There, you will visit too many places. For instant, the large incredible gate of Bab El Mansour, sometimes they open it to host artistic gallery. Furthermore, there is a small lake called Sahrij Swani, the Basin of the Norias. It is told that Moulay Ismail had several wives, one of them asked him to move to the city close to the sea. For that he brought the sea to her.

Subsequently, there is the most mysterious complicated prison named Qara, not pretty far from the gate of Bab El Mansour. The prison was built by Moulay Ismail in the late of 18th century, and it is the only prison where there are no doors for a way out also like a complicated puzzle.

Also, it is passage lead to other passage, therefore it is hard to find a way back once you enter. Some say it is underground the whole city of Meknes, others say it is only for 10 km square.

Also, there are holes in the overheads or roofing, and that is where the prisoners used to be thrown and also get food. It is also said that Moulay Ismail has made a director so if the prisoners finds a way out, they will be free.

Not to forget, there were some french explorers who dare to try to enter the prison and find out its mystery, unfortunately, they could not come out again even at this time. There are some theories about the prison, they say that it is hunted by ghosts and genies, but we never know if that is true or just a story tale.

Casablanca to the imperial city of Fes tours:

From our Sahara desert tours the economical capital city of  Casablanca, we are gonna take you to visit Fes, one of Morocco’s imperial and cultural cities. There are many things and places to do and explore.

To begin with, the ancient part that is visited the most has several gates, the main gate is called the blue gate, it is the entrance to the medina. here, once you enter the gate, there will be two main streets and it is where people make daily shop. Also, there it is where the main attractions to see in Fes.

The University of Al Qarawiyyin supposed to be the first main thing to visit in Fes because it is the first oldest and still functioning university in the world. It was built by Fatima Al Fihri in 859. Second, The leather Tanneries of Chaouara is also a tourists favorite place to visit.

Here, people go to see how leather is made and also to have an general view of Fes. Third, the king has 12 palaces around the whole Morocco and one of them is in Fes, it is also a worth place to visit. Fourth, the Bor Nord, this one is for people who like hiking, it is also for a general view of the whole Fes and to enjoy the sunset.

From our trips from Casablanca, you will absolutely visit Al Qarawiyyin University. It is the first and oldest and still functioning Madrassa in the world. Also, it was built by a Fatima Al Fihriya in 859 as a Madrassa “school” to teach the Quran.

In Fes, there are several places to see like Attarine, Mellah and Garden of Jnan Sabil.

Ifrane is the finest city that you will visit with our tour from Casablanca

Ifrane is called the Switzerland city of Morocco. People come to snowboard and to enjoy the weekends with their children and enjoy the snow. Ifrane was made since the French colonial and there is a statue of the atlas lion in the main centeral park of the city. This lion was carved by a german prisoner in order to get his freedom. It is the first finest city in Morocco and the 8th in the world.

Cedar forest in the Atlas mountains of Azrou

The cedar forest in Azrou is a camping area and a place to discover Morocco’s wild animals. There are many animals, the ones you can find are Macaque Barbary monkeys, they like to play with and be feed with bananas and nuts or peenuts.

Furthermore, there are deers but unlucky, we can’t see them because they are afraid of people and we can’t go further more inside the forest as there is a fence to protect the animals.

With excursions from Casablanca, you will explore the geological city Erfoud :

Erfoud is a small city near Merzouga. It is also a worth visiting area with our trips from Casablanca. People come every October of each year to attend the international festival of dates of 3 days carnival. As well, the city is known for its mineral fossils like trilobites.

The most splended of our holidays from Casablanca is Merzouga

Merzouga is the highlight of our CasablancaTangier, Fes and Marrakech  tours. You can camel ride and go camping at Berber camps. Merzouga is a small town in the south-east, it is known by its Erg Chebbi golden sand dunes and the Gnawa people.  If you come to visit Morocco, you must not miss the opportunity to visit this enormous place. From our Morocco two week program and other tours, you will be happy to spend two days here.

Therefore, you will have a full experience where we take you to explore the nomads who live in tents with simple needs. Also, we will be able to take you to visit the Srij lake where the immigrant flamingos exist. Not to forget, there is a Mine of salt and Kohl (Mascara), it is also a wonderful place to explore.

Rissani, the capital city of Tafilalet region :

The city of Rissani is the main capital city of the Tafilalet region. Here, the Touaregs used to travel 55 days from Tombouctou to trade their goods like salt and mascara with other things. Also, now this is the market for the close towns, Merzouga like an example. the Alaouit dynasty are originally from Rissani before they move to live in the big cities.

Furthermore, Rissani is the only city where there is the parking of the donkeys to be rent or buy or even sell or trade for house needs. Furthermore, Rissani is known with the speacial pitta bread (Berber Pizza) they call it Madfouna.

The city has a big large gate like the gate in Fes but a little bit different in the architectural design.

Gorges of Toudgha and Dades Gorges :

From the picture you can see the curves of Tissedrine in Dades gorges. The American Cadillac brand car has made climbing up and down 3 times for the best record of 03:19 sec. This place is where tourists spend the night either coming from Marrakech or Merzouga because it is in middle way.

Also, not far from Dades center around 30km, there are the canyons of Toudgha Gorges, they are about 350m height and the power of nature could make a way through them.

Tours to the Rose valley from Casablanca :

Kalaat Maggouna is known for its rose valley and the international festival. In this city, every year in May they make an international festival of Rose flowers, they also make a contest to choose the queen of Maggouna, they will choose her by her intelligence and beauty.

In addition, you can find many cosmetic products such as lotion cream, rose water, rose soap…etc.

Casablanca Tours to Hollywood city, Ouarzazate :

Ouarzazate is the Hollywood of Morocco. That’s why they call it hollywood because there is atlas studios. There is an international airport nearby where famous actors land because they can’t drive from Marrakech via The High Atlas Mountains.

Moreover, this city means in Berber language the city without noise, the word Ouarzazate contains two sections (Ouar) means without and (Zazate) means noise. Moreover, this city is also known for the Kasbah of Taourirt, and the word Kasbah is coming from the word Ksab that means bamboo.

That is to say, the roofs of the Kasbah is made out of the bamboo. Not to forget, Ouarzazate has 4 studios where they make movies and rent materials to make others in the Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou. Furthermore, parts of the movies and movies The Living Daylights and Lawrence of Arabia were shot here. Also, the movies Asterix and Obilix also The Sahara and Cleopatra.

Ait Benhaddou is the most famous Kasbah you will visit from our trip from Casablanca

Ait Benhaddou got a Kasbah that  is the largest and the biggest Kasbah in Morocco. Many tourists come to hike up for the panoramic view from the top of the Castle. Also, they come to discover it and get to know how it is specifically built.

To begin with, this beautiful monument is a stop for the Berber Touaregs who used to travel from Tombouctou to trade Salt. Furthermore, there is a river there called Ouad El Maleh. In other way, salt or the river of salt. The place where they trade their salt and other goods like mascara.

Moreover, the Kasbah has about 8 floors at the top, there is a room where they conserve all those goods for other travelers.  Not to forget, the famous producers from film industry rent materials at the studios of Ouarzazate to come here and shoot movies. For example, they shot the famous movie Gladiator and Sahara. Also, they made some parts of

•            Sodom And Gomorrah in 1963

•            The Message in  1976

•            Jesus of Nazareth in 1977

There are many other movies they made here. It is a very famous destination not to skip when visiting the Kasbah.

Our requested tour from Casablanca can take you there and visit it with a local guide hiking for around an hour.

The High Atlas Mountains :

The Atlas Mountains are three different  types. The high, the middle, and the small. The middle ones are between Merzouga sahara desert and Fes, the high is between Ouarzazate and Marrakech called Tizi-N-Tichka.

Then, the small is more in the southern side, coming from Agadir to Ouarzazate. Moreover, the High Atlas mountains are where the highest point, it’s in Toubkal with an altitude of 4160m (13648ft).

These mountains got the reason why it is dry in Sahara and wet, green in the west. That is to say, they block the clouds from moving to the east side of the country. Therefore, it does rain very late in the Sahara desert.

Not to forget, coming from Marrakech to the sahara desert, you will pass by Tizi-n-Tichka, the fastest road to cross the mountains. From our tours from Marrakech, about 70 min drive in the Atlas mountains, there is a cooperative of argan oil, one of the phenomenal attractions to visit.

With our day trip from Casablanca to Marrakech :

Marrakech is one of the most important imperial cities in Morocco. In other way, it was a capital once before. As well, our tours from Casablanca is including trips to the other imperial cities, Fes, Meknes, and the actual administrative capital Rabat.

Marrakech is two words, (Amur) n (Kush), that means in Berber language the land of God. Also, it is the third largest city in Morocco before the economical Casablanca and the cultural city of Fes.

There are many things to do and visit in Marrakech. First, the famous big garden called Majorelle, named after the French artist Jacques Majorelle, it took him around 40 years to design it, next to it there is a museum call Saint Lorant. Then, he opened it for the public with a specific fee needed to enter the garden.

Second, Another beautiful large garden full of olive trees with a pool, it is the called Menara garden. That is to say, ligh thouse. Moreover, there is no light house here, just took the name. Not to forget, this garden that is in the south side of Marrakech was created in the 12th century.

Third, the king has around 12 palaces in Morocco, he has got on palace in Marrakech. However, he does not live in the palace of Marrakech only his mother does, he lives most of the time in Rabat. Marrakech or the red city is also a beautiful place to discover.

Fourth, there is this magnificent mosque you can see in many pictures, it is called the Koutoubia mosque. It has several names, among them,  Jamii ‘al-Kutubiyah. Moreover, it was built in the early 12th century by the dynasty Almohad. Furthermore, It is the largest mosque in Marrakech, around 70 meters, and it is totally forbidden to build a taller mosque than this one.

In addition to that, Jamaa El Fna has to be the best main big square where to wander around in Marrakech. Over this square, people make shopping, concert or festivals, and enjoy the people who play with snakes and monkeys also the story tellers.

Tours to Essaouira from Casablanca

Essaouira is also another big city to visit with our desert trips from Casablanca. In this city, people travel to during the summer season to benefit from the beach, it is warm around 30°C. Moreover, Essaouira is a wonderful place to discover during the winter season, people try to enjoy the fresh seafood.

Not to forget, Essaouira is known by Mogador the name of the Moroccan wind city. Therefore, there are many stuffs to do in the city. For example, the visit to the port of Citadel and Sqala that are very interesting to visit and have pictures with some canons and the structure of the wall architecture. Moreover, tourists or moroccan people come to visit the old Medina because it is a heritage that is protected by the Unesco.

You probably will hear the word Mogador when visiting Essaouira, which means in Hebrew Magdol That signifies the small fortress.

Tours of Casablanca including the desert of Zagora

From our Morocco Tours, you will be visiting the Sahara desert of Merzouga and Zagora. This city is a desert without sand dunes only dry empty area. However, a lot of tourists who do not have a lot of time to travel to Merzouga, they try to go to desert of Zagora.

In addition to that it is a place where to make the camel trekking and spend the night in the camp. The only difference between the two cities is the Ergs Chebbi of the sand dunes.

We don not usually organize trips from Casablanca to Zagora, we usually do it from our trips from Marrakech. Neverthless, you can try to contact us and organize your Casablanca desert tour to Zagora.

On our way from Marrakech to Zagora, there will be the curves of Ait Saouen and the longest river in Morocco that contains palm trees with dates fruits. So, they are as well worth places to discover.

Morocco has got many different valleys

Ourika Valley: about 45km from Marrakech. Tourists do only one day excursion from Marrakech to benefit from the cool fresh air and to skip from the noise of the city.

Ziz Valley: One of Morocco’s largest long valley of dates palm trees. It is near Errachidia, Merzouga desert and Erfoud about two hours drive. Also, there is a new national Airport at Errachidia, not pretty far from the valley it is in the center of Errachidia.

Daraa Valley: This valley is a big valley of dates in Morocco. We usually cross by it when driving from Marrakech to Merzouga through ait Saouen village. And when traveling from Marrakech toward Zagora desert.

3 Day tour from Casablanca

3 days

Age 18+

All Months

Availability 17

highlight of our 3 day tour from Casablanca

on our 3 day tour from Casablanca,


PROGRAM of 3 Day tour from Casablanca


We will meet you in the airport or in your hotel in Casablanca to start your 3 Day tour from Casablanca. Then we drive to Fes passing by Rabat. So if the time allow us,we can make short stops to visit the important places in those cities as well as the Roman ruins of volubulis. Then it’s on to Fes where you’ll arrive in the evening and here you’ll overnight in a traditional Moroccan house (Riad).


the second day of our 3 Day tour from Casablanca after breakfast the Most of the morning will be spent visiting the Medina (the old city) and its alleys. your sightseeing starts by visiting the Jewish Quarter (the Mellah) and the Royal Palace (yard), which is the biggest one in the country. So on this 3 Day tour from Casablanca, you will be visiting the famous tanneries and the Quaraouine mosque considered the first university in the world . Then after lunch, in a typical Moroccan restaurant in the Medina, you’ll experience a wonderful panoramic view of the city. Finally, overnight accommodation will be at the same riad.


our last day of 3 Day tour from Casablanca we driving to the imperial city of Meknes, with its main historical attractions.After visiting Meknes with its most interesting places we will continue towards Casablanca where our 3 Day tour from Casablanca service ends.

With our Casablanca tour packages you Will enjoy Casablanca day tours and Private tours Casablanca Morocco, such as Sahara Desert tours, Casablanca to Marrakech tours and Viator Casablanca.

NOTE; There are similar 3 day tours from Casablanca to Fes with different itineraries, just pick out your itinerary then we will provide you with more details.

First option:

  • Day 1: Casablanca to Rabat then Chefchaouen.
  • Day 2: Free morning to discover the blue pearl of Morocco Chefchaouen and after lunch we drive to Fes City.
  • Day 3: Sightseeing of Fes old City(Medina) with a local guide.Second option:
  • Day 1: Casablanca to Rabat then Chefchaouen.
  • Day 2: Chefchaouen City to Volibilus and Meknes then to Fes city.
  • Day 3: Fes Sightseeing of old Medina with a local guide.

Third option:

  • Day 1: Casablanca – Marrakech City ( around 2 and half hours driving ).
  • Day 2: Marrakech – Panoramic view of Ait Ben Haddo Kasbah – Ouarzazate – Merzouga Sahara Desert( around 10 hours ).
  • Day 3: Merzouga – Panoramic view of Ziz Valley – Ifrane – Fes( around 8 hours ).

Stunning Views

When you book this 3 day tour from Casablanca with our travel agency expect to see the most stunning, historical, and authentic views.

3 day tour from Casablanca Drop-off & Pickup

With our services, our driver will pick you up from your accommodation Hotel/Riad or even airport. not only that, but he will drop you off at any location you choose when you finish the trip.

Expert Guide during 3 day tour from Casablanca

The staff of Morocco Travel Land offers only well Professional local guides/drivers. Therefore, they know all about Morocco; they will try to answer all your curious questions and give you extra info about lifestyle and other topics.

Photography attractions

If your hobby is a taking pictures, you can book the 3 day tour from Casablanca with us. Actually Morocco has many gorgeous spots to take great pictures. Moreover, our local guides/driver will make sure to take you to visit the best ones.

8 days tour from Casablanca

8  days

Age 18+

All Months

Availability 17

Indulge in our 8 days tour from Casablanca

  • We explore Fes – most important cultural city in Morocco
  • We experience Sahara desert in Merzouga
  • Camel ride in desert
  • We explore Dades and Todra gorges with optional trekking (if time allows)

  • Visit Ait Benhaddou and film studios in Ouarzazate

  • We explore Marrakech

PROGRAM 8 days tour from Casablanca


On this 8 days tour from Casablanca, we will meet you in the airport or in your hotel in Casablanca and drive to Fes. So passing first by Rabat and Meknes. If the time allows us, we can make short stops to visit the important places in those cities as well as the Roman ruins then it’s on to Fes where you’ll arrive in the evening and here you’ll overnight in a traditional Moroccan house (riad).


After breakfast, you will continue your 8 days tour from Casablanca.  Hence start exploring the oldest city in Morocco, walking in its alleys and small streets. Hence, our visit starts by visiting the Royal Palace gate, the Jewish quarter. Moreover,  the first Mellah ever built in Morocco, built during the 14th century.

We will ensure that you visit all sites with cultural and historical interest including the famous Al Qaraouine University, considered the oldest one in the world, the Tanneries, and Mulay Idriss mausoleum.

After lunch in a traditional Moroccan restaurant, you will visit the tiles cooperative and then experience a wonderful panoramic view over the whole Medina of Fes.


After breakfast We will start driving south to Ifrane and Azrou by the Middle Atlas mountains. On the way we will stop at cedar forest to see the Barbarian Ape in their natural habitat. Then continue  on this 8 days tour from Casablanca, to Midelt where we will have lunch in a traditional Moroccan restaurant. Later we will be traveling through the Tizi Ntalghamt pass and along the magnificent Ziz Gorges carved through volcanic rock.

So, you’ll see views of the Middle-Atlas plateau, noticing how the scenery changes to reveal hints of the desert as you approach the city Errachidia (the province of the south-east). Then, our journey continue through the Ziz valley Erfoud, Rissani and Merzouga.

After a glass of mint tea, We will leave our luggage in a room of our guest house, and take only what you will need for the night in the camp, then take the camels to a Berber camp in the middle of Erg Chebbi Sand Dunes, about 32 km long and 9 km wide it is also reputed as the highest sand dunes in North Africa. In the first place, The camel trek takes about 1hr 30 min to the camp where we continue the spirit of the nomadic Berber lifestyle.

There you will enjoy the sunset and the silence of the Sahara desert. After dinner we gather round the fire and enjoy our 8 days tour from Casablanca in the desert night with traditional Berber drums.


Your camel Guide will wake you up early in the morning to watch what well may be the best sunrise in your life. Afterwards, you’ll peacefully camel-trek back to the village of Merzouga.

Hence, en-route you won’t fail to appreciate the unique beauty of the spectacular Erg Chebbi sand dunes – changing with the light as the day progresses. Then after breakfast and hot shower, you’ll leave for Rissani, Tinghir and Todra gorges.

In the first place, they are the highest, narrowest gorges in Morocco and after lunch in the heart of the gorge we’ll drive through the Dades Valley, where you’ll see the majestic sand castles and the amazing rock formations known as “monkey toes”. Finally, overnight accommodation will be in a fancy traditional guesthouse overlooking the Dades valley with dinner and breakfast.


After breakfast , we’ll drive through the Dades Valley towards Kalaat Mgouna and Ouarzazate. Since The route through Dades Valley is the way of the thousand Kasbahs – it provides numerous opportunities to take some of your best photographic shots of the trip.

Then to the roses valley and Skoura village. Afterwards continue to Ouarzazate, “the Hollywood of Africa”. Lunch is at the famous Ait Ben Haddou kasbah, the largest Kasbah in Morocco.

Then after touring this UNESCO matrimonial historical site, our journey will continue through the majestic Tizi ‘n’ tichka pass (2260 m) over the High Atlas Mountains. So we will have time to stop and enjoy impressive views and visit the argan oil cooperative.

Finally we will arrive in Marrakech in the late afternoon and overnight in traditional riad in the medina.


After breakfast in the riad, you can start exploring Marrakech “the red city of Morocco”. So on this 8 days tour from Casablanca, we will ensure that you see the most important sites of historical and cultural interest, including the Majorelle Gardens, the Koutoubia Tower, the Saadian tombs. Moreover, the Bahia Palace.

Then after Lunch at a restaurant near the square, you will walk through the souks and view hundreds of handicrafts. Finally in the afternoon, you will have some free time to wonder by yourself the other parts of the city.


So today we drive from Marrakech to the Atlantic coast to explore Essaouira. In fact, Essaouira is a port city and resort on Morocco’s Atlantic coast.

Also its medina is protected by 18th-century seafront ramparts.  In addition strong “Alizée” trade winds make the city’s crescent beach popular for surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing. Enjoy in this last day of 8 days tour from Casablanca.


Transfer to Airport, end of 8 days tour from Casablanca.

10 Days tour from Casablanca



10 Days days

Age 12+

All Months

Availability 17

Experience our 10 Days tour from Casablanca

  • We explore Fes – most important cultural city in Morocco

  • Experience Sahara desert in Merzouga
  • Camel ride in desert
  • We explore Dades and Todra gorges with optional trekking (if time allows)
  • Visit Ait Benhaddou and film studios in Ouarzazate

  • We explore Marrakech



Arrive at Casablanca airport, where we will meet you and start 10 days tour from Casablanca. First drive to Casablanca then to Rabat, the capital of Morocco. In Casablanca you will see the Hassan II Mosque, the largest one outside of Mecca and experience the coastal Cornish seaside. Afterwards, we will leave to Rabat.

Hassan 2 mosque

Here you will see the Hassan Tower and the Oudaya Kasbah, before you check in to your riad in the Medina. Finally, overnight at riad – bed and breakfast. (BB) 

DAY 2 : RABAT – MEKNES – VOLUBILIS – FES : After breakfast in your riad, you will start traveling to Fes via Meknes and Volubilis. Meknes, another significant imperial city in Morocco. In fact it is known as the Ismaili capital of Morocco. There you will see the famous gate Bab Mansour, the Sahrij Souani Bassin.

Bab Mensour Meknes

Moreover  Mulay Ismail Mausoleum. Then after lunch, your journey continues to the Roman city of Volubilis, where you will get a chance to see the wonderfully preserved original mosaics, Roman road, and city layout. As you travel through the Moroccan countryside we will pass by the Holy City of Moulay Idriss for a photo opportunity. Then you’ll get to Fes at the end of the afternoon and check into your riad in the Medina. Finally overnight at riad (BB). 

DAY 3 : EXPLORING FES: Breakfast in your riad, then start your 10 days tour from Casablanca an explorative journey of the Medina where you will visit the many hidden treasures that only the inhabitants of the place know about. In the first place, Fes served as the capital of Morocco for more than 350 years and is home to the University of Al Karaouine, the oldest operating university in the world. Hence your guided tour will take you to Moulay Idriss mausoleum, the Nejjarine Fountains and the Tanneries.

Chouara Tannery Fes

Then after lunch you will also view the exterior of the Royal Palace and walk through the famous Jewish quarter “the Mellah”. There you will have the option to visit one of the few living synagogues in Morocco. In addition, your tour of Fes includes a short visit to the famous ceramic factory, and then you can enjoy a wonderful panoramic view over the whole Medina of Fes. Finally, in the afternoon we will visit the new city for a drink. Overnight accommodation at your riad (BB).


After breakfast in your riad, you will leave towards the southeast following the Caravan roads to Merzouga. During this journey you’ll experience glimpses of the Middle Atlas and Higher Atlas mountains. Then stopping at the Cedar forest, the largest one in Morocco, over the Middle Atlas Mountains– where you may well sight Barbarian apes. Then after lunch in Midelt, you will continue through the large open high desert, and notice how the scenery changes to reveal hints of the desert as you approach the city Er Rachidia. Afterwards, your journey continues along the luxuriant Ziz Valley and the Tafilalet date palm grove, famous for date cultivation.

Ifrane City during Winter

This area is the foundation of the Alaouite dynasty – the current ruling royal family in Morocco. Finally, you’ll arrive at Merzouga at the end of the afternoon – to be welcomed with a glass of mint tea before you check in to your riad . Half-Board.


So after breakfast in the riad you will start an explorative journey of the area. So on this 10 days tour from Casablanca, you’ll visit the Gnawa people – originally slaves brought from Sudan -to experience their music and lifestyle. You may also visit the souk in Rissani , a traditional town which was the origin of the ruling family in Morocco and the meeting place of the Caravans trading as far as Tombuctou in Mali. Here you will see a lot of men hooded and women veiled.

camel trek in Merzouga desert

Back to the village of Merzouga for some rest, in the afternoon you will mount your camel, guided by an experienced camel man to explore within the sand-sea of Merzouga. Then overnight will be at our desert camp (HB), where you will enjoy your 10 days tour from Casablanca. 

DAY 6 : MERZOUGA – TODRA GORGES – DADES VALLEY : Early in the morning, your camel guide will wake you up to watch what well may be the best sunrise in you life. You will trek back to the village of Merzouga. Enroute you couldn’t fail to appreciate the unique beauty of the spectacular Erg Chebbi sand dunes – changing with the light as the day progresses. Then after breakfast and shower in your riad, you’ll leave for Rissani , Tinghir, and Todra gorges . Since they are the  highest, narrowest gorges in Morocco.   After lunch in the heart of the gorge we’ll drive through the Dades Valley, where you’ll see the majestic sand castles and the amazing rock formations known as “monkey toes”. Finally overnight accommodation will be in a fancy guesthouse overlooking the Dades valley. (HB).


After breakfast , we’ll drive through the Dades Valley towards Kalaat Mgouna and Ouarzazat. The route through Dades Valley is the way of the thousand Kasbahs – providing numerous opportunities to take some of your best photographic shots of the trip.

Kasbah in Valley of Roses

We’ll stop at Kalaat Mgouna, “the rose city”, to purchase rosewater, which will make your linen smell good a long time after your trip is over. Continue your 10 days tour from Casablanca Sahara Tours, to Marrakech via the Ait Ben Haddou Kasbah. Built by Et Hami El Glaoui, one of the last Berber chieftains during the 18th century. Now the Kasbah is a house of many Glaoui people. Afterwards your 10 days tour from Casablanca, will continue through the majestic Tizi n’Tichka Pass (2260 m) over the High Atlas Mountains, before arriving at your accommodation in Marrakech. Finally, overnight at the riad in the medina (BB). 

DAY 8 : EXPLORING MARRAKECH : After breakfast in the riad, you will enjoy a morning guided tour of Marrakech “the Red City of Morocco”. So, your guide will ensure that you see all the sites with historical and cultural interest, including the Koutoubia Minaret; the Saadian tombs; the beautiful Palace of Bahia and the Ben Youssef Coranic School. Finally, end the morning by walking through the medina alleys -getting a chance to admire all of the different artisans performing their crafts before arriving at the famous Jamaa El Fna Square. Then lunch at a restaurant near the square, and then in the afternoon visit the Majorelle gardens, and have a short tour at Gueliz -the new city of Marrakech.


After dinner you will have the option to walk through the square entertained by magicians, story-tellers, tooth-pullers and food sellers. Finally, overnight accommodation will be in your riad (BB). 

DAY 9 : DAY TRIP TO ESSAOUIRA : After breakfast in your riad, you will start travelling to the coastal city of Essaouira. Enjoy your 10 days tour from Casablanca, getting there after about a 2 and a half hour drive to start exploring the city. In the first place, you’ll visit the Skala Fortress; see Thuya wood carved by artisans. In additition walk through the alleys of the medina and view hundreds of handicrafts. This “City of the Wind” attracts surfers from all over the world.

Essaouira city view

In fact Essaouira knew many civilizations – including the Portuguese occupation, which affects much of its architecture. However, it remains a small village with much history. Because of its size and its characteristic blue doors and washed walls. It is also regarded as Morocco’s “Jewel of the Atlantic”. You will also visit the women’s co-operative of Argan oil. Here they extract the oil that is famous for its culinary, cosmetic and medicinal properties. Hence lunch will be done the Moroccan way – fresh fish “cooked in order” at the fish market. Finally, in the afternoon you will travel back to Marrakech. Overnight at your riad (BB), end of 10 days tour from Casablanca for that day. 

DAY 10 : MARRAKECH – CASABLANCA AIRPORT : After an early breakfast in your riad, we will drive you to Casablanca/Marrakech airport for your flight back home. Your 10 days tour from Casablanca end at the airport. 

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