

The required documents for a Morocco visa application

Morocco Travel Land team welcomes you in Morocco, we did this blog post to clarify to visitors who need a visa to enter to Morocco here are all types of visa as a visitor who need a visa.

To request an appointment, please click here

Morocco visa

Tourism Visa

I- Documents required when submitting the application:

  • Printed visa application form for entry to Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification );
  • bank statement; or a recommendation from the Ministry of Tourism a request from an approved travel agency or the delegate of the Moroccan National Tourist Office or an attested family endurance document in the case of a family visit, containing a guarantee of the possibility of deportation & medical expenses;

II- Documents required when issuing a visa:

  • Reservation of a hotel or presentation of a “Payment Voucher”;
  • Round-trip ticket with a confirmed reservation;
  • travel insurance certificate;
  • Consular fees

Work Visa

  • Printed formm visa application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent photographs in color on a white background, 3 x 4 cm (size), clearly highlighting the features of the face; residence card ,Identity card or document proving residence;
  • Passport validity: The travel document exceeds the length of stay required or validity period of a passport;
  • A passport copy (the page with identification & validity);
  • A work contract indicated by the Ministry of Labor (in case of doubt, contact Social Affairs to request its approval or the Directorate of Consular ).

Investors Visa

  • Printed formm visa application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • A professional federation or Recommendation from the Directorate of Foreign Investmentsr;
  • a recommendation from the competent guardianship authority; the regional investment centers;
  • a recommendation from a foreign investor in Morocco or a Moroccan partner.

Business Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • Recommendation from the guardianship ministry in the case of public transactions
  • A Written recommendation by the professional chamber in the case of special deals;
  • An invitation on behalf of the visa applicant in case of participation in the markets and exhibitions of the organization that is organizing these events;
  • A written invitation from the industrial, service operator or commercial;

Seminars and conferences Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • A document assigning a government missios for employees;
  • Invitation from the Commission organizinton

Students, trainees and researchers Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )

For students:

  • Registration certificate / the grant granted by the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation or any official
  • orgnazition that finances the costs of training programs in Morocco;
  • Ensure that the student’s name is included in a list prepared in advance by the Moroccan Agency for I the diplomatic mission, nternational Cooperation or the competent consular center, which includes the names of foreign students retained by the above-mentioned agency to continue foreign trainees who will conduct training and/or studying at a Moroccan public university in the Kingdom ;
  • Certificate of registration at a higher education institution or public Moroccan university or;
  • Certificate of registration in a private Moroccan higher education institution, in this case the visa application is with the prior approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, with the exception of those holders of registration in a Moroccan school approved by the competent Moroccan authority, with providing sufficient means of subsistence during the period required for university studies;
  • Bearing the costs signed and certified, delivered by a guarantor resident in Morocco, or a family member and includes the following elements:
  • A guarantor residing regularly in Morocco, who proves the financial financing and guarantees the accommodation stay.
  • – A commitment to regularize the residence status of a foreign students with the relevant department of the General Administration of National Security.
  • – An obligation to pay the deportation expenses in the event that the applicant is subject to expulsion from Moroccan territory.
  • – Obligation to leave the Moroccan territory immediately after the expiry of the period of residence.

For the trainees:

  • – The original document of the training agreement signed by the receiving body.

For researchers:

  • – The reception agreement must be signed by the accredited Moroccan Research Organization.
  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • The document that proves the legality and validity of the marriage document;
  • The document evidencing the kinship relationship such as the full copy of the birth certificate certifying the kinship
  • relationship with the Moroccan mother (in the case of children born to a foreign father whose nationality is subject to a visa), pending the settlement of his status in relation to the new provisions of the Nationality Code;
  • Document evidencing international adoption or sponsorship, in this case;
  • The document proves that the parents are guaranteed in this case.

Family gathering (mixed marriage or kinship relationship) Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • The document proves the legality and validity of the marriage document;
  • The document evidencing the kinship relationship such as the full copy of the birth certificate certifying the kinship relationship with the Moroccan mother (in the case of children born to a foreign father whose nationality is subject to a visa), pending the settlement of his status in relation to the new provisions of the Nationality Code;
  • International adoption or Document evidencing sponsorship, in this case;
  • The document proves that the parents are guaranteed in this case.

Media people Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • Mandatory notification from the relevant government authority on communications;
  • An application for permission to photograph from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, specifying the following:
  • the purpose from the visit,
  • Time and Place of filming or press report
  • Border crossing point in Morocco and Exact date
  • List of photographic equipments.
  • Photographic equipment is subject to special procedures as part of transit

Visitor Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • A a request for a long-term residence permit (more than one year), specifying the place of residence, or a request to migrate to the Kingdom of Morocco vacation or retirement;
  • A bank certificate proving sufficient means to subsist for the period of stay in the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • A declaration of honor not to engage in professional activity during the stay in the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • Obligation to regularize residency status as a “visitor” with the relevant departments of the General Directorate of
  • National Security;
  • Certificate of insurance and / or health coverage covering the stay in the Kingdom of Morocco

Medical Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
    medical certificate;
  • Certificate of possible repatriation and incurring hospitalization expenses by a sickness insurance agency or bank guarantee;
  • Hospital admission approval on the basis of a bank guarante or a certificate of bearing the expenses.

Refugees and stateless Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • Proof of resources.

Aircraft crew members Visa

  • Members of the aircraft crew and aircrew, employees of airlines during commercial flights and users of the airports of the Kingdom of Morocco during the return and return, and those residing for short periods in the territory of
  • Morocco in the framework of their professional work, the competent departments of the General Directorate of
  • National Security at the Moroccan transit points at the airports shall provide them with facilities to obtain on a transit visa, if they are subject to this procedure.
  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
  • Crew Membership Certificate (CMC)

Marine men Visa

  • Printed visa form application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent color photographs on a white background (4 x 3 cm), clearly highlighting the facial features;
  • residence card, Identity card, or a document proving this;
  • Passport validity: The validity period of a travel document or passport exceeds the length of stay required;
  • A copy of travel document or the passport (the page that includes validity and identification )
    navy notebook,
  • With regard to the marine fishing sector: a contract for marine work or technical assistance issued by the owner of
  • the ship or the Moroccan company and signed by the Moroccan Ministry of Employment and the competent regional fisheries representative.
  • With regard to the maritime transport sector: the employment contract or registration on the crew list indicated by the Moroccan Ministry of Employment and the competent head of the maritime zone

Technical help Visa

  • Printed formm visa application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent photographs in color on a white background, 3 x 4 cm (size), clearly highlighting the features of the face;
  • residence card ,Identity card or document proving residence;
  • Passport validity: The travel document exceeds the length of stay required or validity period of a passport;
  • A passport copy (the page with identification & validity);
  • Assignment of assignment issued by the body providing technical assistance,
    or a recommendation of the international body beneficiary of cooperation and technical assistance and, where applicable, a copy of the contract,
  • In the case of after-sales service, a copy of the contract, customs clearance documents or bank credit and technical capacity certificate.

Cultural or sporting events Visa

  • Printed formm visa application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
    2 recent photographs in color on a white background, 3 x 4 cm (size), clearly highlighting the features of the face;
    residence card ,Identity card or document proving residence;
    Passport validity: The travel document exceeds the length of stay required or validity period of a passport;
    A passport copy (the page with identification & validity);
    An invitation from the department which is organizing this event. In the case of a private person, the document must be approved by the responsible ministry.

Artistic entertainment Visa

  • Printed formm visa application to the Kingdom of Morocco;
  • 2 recent photographs in color on a white background, 3 x 4 cm (size), clearly highlighting the features of the face;
  • residence card ,Identity card or document proving residence;
  • Passport validity: The travel document exceeds the length of stay required or validity period of a passport;
  • A passport copy (the page with identification & validity);
  • A copy of the employment contract;


According to the laws in force, it is not allowed to change the type of visa that was obtained after the holder’s entry into Moroccan territory. A new visa application should be submitted from the person’s country of residence.

Printed evisa application form to Morocco

Carefully fill in Latin letters
The publication can be filled out in Arabic with an obligation to indicate the family name, personal name and place of birth in Latin letters for technical reasons
