


10 Reasons for visiting Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco is one of the best tourist destinations on the continent, with a distinctive mix of features, culture, history and cuisine. The following are the main reasons why tourists visit Morocco.

Old Cities

Morocco includes many imperial cities such as  Fez, Meknes, Marrakesh and Rabat. The latter is the current capital, home to many historical landmarks, but the most famous city of the city is Marrakesh, Morocco’s number one destination. The Red City is well known for its many distinctive tourist and historical features, the most famous of which is Jama Alafna, Al-Khabiya Mosque, the Bahia Palace, and many other traditional markets.

Wonderful beaches

Morocco has beaches along the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, all of which offer a wonderful chance to relax. The famous holiday areas with foreign visitors include Tangier and Akadir, while the original attracts mainly local residents and visitors. Although there are fairly few international tourists on beaches, it hosts large numbers of local tourists, especially during the summer.

The Diverse Mountains

The Moroccan Atlas has three separate ranges, including the Grand Atlas and the Middle Atlas. Each provides a variety of long-distance hiking experiences for all levels of experience and skill. Topcat is the most popular destination in the Atlas Mountains, the highest peak in Morocco, located precisely in the Grand Atlas, and its location is not far from Marrakesh.

Easy access to the desert Sahara

Morocco has a vast area of arid Sahara. There are several places in Morocco where an exploratory journey to the desert can be initiated, and there are many people with experience in this area who offer trips for a certain amount of material. Trips are offered in more than one way, including by walking or riding on camels or horses or riding bikes and SUVs.

Berber (AMAZIGH) culture

The population of Morocco consists of Berbers and other ethnicities, each of whom has a contribution to Morocco’s traditions and culture. In addition to the Islamic architectural touch in many Moroccan city buildings, it also includes a legacy of colonial times, with French, Portuguese, and Spanish influences. The culture in Morocco varies from place to place, the most distinctive of which may be that found in the east and south of the country.

Magnificent Architecture

Morocco’s cultural diversity is reflected in the diverse architectural beauty that can be found throughout the country, particularly in mosques and Riyadh, the latter being a hotel – like building. Many buildings feature traditional tile works known as glazing, as well as decorated sculptures, and plaster. The most impressive buildings in Morocco are the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, the Saadians Cemetery in Marrakech, the Great Mosque in Tangier, and the University of Villagers in Fez.

Traditional markets ( Souks)

Every major city and town in Morocco has at least one market, including traditional markets where locals go to buy a range of tools. In some regions, the market takes place on certain days of the week, while others remain open throughout the week, and almost everything, such as clothes, perfumes, fruits and many others, is sold.

Delicious Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is very popular worldwide, and it’s a delicious cuisine that offers many different options. Meat is a common ingredient in Moroccan dishes, such as lamb, cow and chicken. Seafood and fish are especially abundant in coastal areas, and sardines are among the most common. The most famous Moroccan dishes are couscous, tajin, basil, bisara, and brochet.

Miscellaneous accommodation

From lavish five – star hotels to rural camps in tents, Morocco offers accommodation that fits all budgets and comfort levels. Travelers can stay in traditional Moroccan accommodation, known as Riyadh, usually in old cities such as Marrakech and Meknes, and is one of the best experiences a visitor can have in Morocco.

Community Tolerant of Guests

Morocco is known as one of the most tolerant north african  countries. The country is generally relatively safe, politically stable. The people of Morocco are known for their hospitality and friendly nature, and sometimes may be somewhat curious towards foreign tourists, but work to respect their privacy. As a former French colony, French is widely used, and in famous tourist areas, English is also commonly spoken, and communication is rarely a problem for visitors, including berber speaking in different dialects.

If you’re a New Zealander and you’ve been thinking that you want to travel to Morocco anytime soon, this is the guide for you. Morocco is a mesmerizing country with so much to offer in terms of both landscape and culture. As a New Zealander coming to Morocco, you sure are in for a treat! New tastes, smells, and adventures await you. As far as planning goes, we know it can be a bit intimidating for new comers who are unfamiliar with the country. Don’t worry though, since this is what this article is all about! This is the full guide in how to travel to Morocco from New Zealand in the most comfortable conditions, so brace yourselves for the ride.


Things to know before you travel to Morocco as a New Zealander :


Weather :

If you are planning travel to Morocco from New Zealand, you are actually in for a pleasant surprise when you find out how similar the two countries’ climates are. New Zealand’s subtropical weather in the North is very similar to the weather in Morocco’s valleys and southern regions. Morocco’s coastal cities are wet during the winter and hot and dry in the summer. In-land, the Atlas Mountains regions can get very hot in the summer which might make travelling a bit uncomfortable.

Language :

Moroccans have three primary languages that they speak: Arabic (more so their own Arabic dialect called Darija), Berber (more preferably called Tamazight, which is the native language of indigenous North Africans), and French (due to decades of French occupation). If you speak any of these languages, navigating Morocco will be a piece of cake; if not, you can still find staff, drivers, and guides who speak English perfectly.

Visa requirements :

As a New Zealander trying to travel to Morocco, we have great news for you: You actually do not need a visa to enter the country! For a stay period of up to 90 days, all you need to have is a passport of at least 6 months validity and a return ticket with supporting documents. One thing that you need to keep in mind however is: your passport needs to be stamped upon entry to Morocco, otherwise, you might face some trouble when trying to leave the country.

Culture :

When it comes to Morocco’s traditions, culture, customs, and day-to-day life, you’ll be surprised to find out that it’s actually one of the best things about being here. Locals are known to be extremely hospitable and welcoming, which makes them tolerating of other people’s differences. While Morocco is a Muslim country with values of modesty and such, it remains an open-minded and welcoming place to visitors no matter their cultural background.

How to Travel to Morocco from New Zealand :

As previously mentioned, you do not need a visa to travel to Morocco from New Zealand. The best way to get here is through air travel with one of the many companies that offer comfortable and affordable flights to Morocco. You may not find a direct flight to travel to Morocco straight from your country, but if layovers are not something that bothers you, then you should totally go for it. Morocco is home to numerous airports located in different cities and parts of the country. The main and most popular ones are the Menara Airport in Marrakech, the Mohammed V airport in Casablanca, the Fes Saiss international airport, and the Rabat-Sale airport. All you have to do is pick out the airport located nearest to the Morocco destination you’re planning to start at.

Planning your Morocco trip :

Now that we got the logistic part of the guide out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff! Planning your travel to Morocco is a task that doesn’t fall short on excitement, and new adventures. The easiest way to get around the country and have a safe and comfortable trip is through a licensed Moroccan tour agency. The agency will provide you with a designated driver, professional tour guides, overnight accommodation, but most importantly: deep insight into local culture that wouldn’t be able to get otherwise. With that being said, most tour agencies will offer you the possibility to customize the itinerary to your travel to Morocco. If you need help picking out the top destinations you need to visit while you’re here, we highly suggest that you take a look at the multiple articles we’ve written in this regard.

Highlights :

There are many destinations and landscapes that will blow your mind as you travel to Morocco, so here are some aspects of the country that you must keep in mind while planning your trip:

The Sahara desert :

As a New Zealander who wants to travel to Morocco, the Sahara desert is perhaps the top destination that we suggest you visit. No trip to Morocco is complete without experiencing the peacefulness of the vast Moroccan Sahara desert.

Imperial Cities :

Imperial cities are Moroccan cities that used to be the capitals of different dynasties in the past, which means they hold great historical and cultural values. The cities are home to royal palaces, traditional architecture, history museums, Jewish quarters, and Old Medinas.

The Atlas Mountains :

The Atlas Mountains range traverses most of Morocco’s in-land territory, and it is home to some impressive peaks that make for great hiking destinations. For reference, the High Atlas Mountains range is home the Mt. Toubkal, the highest mountain peak in all of North Africa.

Morocco’s beaches :

Morocco is cornered from its North and West by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean respectively. This means that the country is home to multiple fascinating beaches for you to choose from during your visit. Weather you enjoy the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean or the windy waves of the Atlantic coast, you are guaranteed to find a Moroccan beach that captures your heart.


Overall, it should be pretty simple to get to Morocco from New Zealand and plan a fun trip here if you follow this guide. Don’t hesitate and book a Morocco tour today to plan for your next trip here! That aside, we hope you enjoyed the article and found it useful to you. For more guides like this and articles about Morocco, check out our other blog posts, or contact us here for more info about coming to Morocco!