

Things you need to know before traveling to Morocco

Things you need to know before traveling to Morocco and tours in Morocco.

Morocco is a wonderful country that entices you to visit, with a lot of things and interesting places, you find it noisy but beautiful, crowded but wonderful, old but modern, you will find in Morocco everything you think, and perhaps a trip there between markets, old cities and coastal destinations will give you a lot of memories

You can never forget, just pack your bags and head to visit this beautiful country that fits everyone of all ages and budgets, but before you visit learn about Things you need to know before traveling to Morocco to have a comfortable and happy trip.

 Currency and cost

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when traveling to Morocco. Perhaps first and foremost in terms of currency and costs, you should know that while many shops accept credit cards, most street vendors, mini markets and taxis are not. -Make sure to have a local currency with you as much as the costs you can spend, keeping in mind that prices in Morocco are not significantly cheap.

Photos from Morocco: a magical oasis of diversity in Africa


If you shop to buy something from the market, you should learn how to bargain to avoid spending a lot of your money, especially as sellers in Morocco markets usually overpay for tourists, so by bartering or bargaining will save a lot of money and you will get products Try to lower the price below the price offered by the seller, and if you refuse to pretend to walk away, so you can show that you do not want to buy and then succeed in reducing the price.

be cerfull

Most people in Morocco are honest, nice and friendly and are willing to help you tremendously, but we also recommend that you be careful enough when it comes to shopping in crowded and popular places, such as markets, so as not to fall victim to pickpocketing.


Moroccans speak different languages, including English, French, Arabic and Berber. However, you will be able to communicate easily if you speak English that is commonly used especially in large areas. Above all, you will need a translator especially in rural areas of Morocco.

Watch out for local guides

Although local guides can help you get to know the country, including the labyrinths of old cities, be aware that some local guides are familiar with many different stores, and they will most likely attract you there to buy some souvenirs at high prices. With some money in return, don’t be fooled when they say they are trying to help you get the best price, you are able to get better prices without them

Be careful of the water you use

To stay safe, do not drink tap water when travelling to morocco, just drink bottled water, too, avoid using any types of ice outside, if you have sensitive stomachs.

 Ask before taking pictures

When you walk through the markets in Morocco, do not take photographs of people and shops unless you buy something from them, they may get angry for that and ask for money in exchange for photos, one tourist says, when we took pictures of snake witches paid exaggerated money in return, so To avoid trouble, it is good to first agree on a specific price before taking a picture, asking for permission at first if you are filming people and locals.


Leather and carpets are well-known in Fes, and perfumes, oils and spices (such as saffron) are popular in Marrakech. However, if you buy saffron or others, make sure you buy the original product and not the copycat through the experience and show the seller knowledge when travelling to morocco.

Moroccan old cities

In Moroccan cities and other cities in North Africa, the old cities have a lot of narrow winding alleys, and main streets. Thereforep prefer to be aware of the place well so as not to lose the road, and do not hesitate to ask the local people if you need something, and do not mind to ask about the best Tourist places and hidden attractions in different cities.

Visit the Berber Village

Hundreds of villages are scattered throughout the mountains surrounding Marrakech, and for a small fee, you can book a tour guide that leads you to a village with a one-night stay with a Moroccan family to live and feel of authentic Moroccan traditions.

The Food

While you are visiting Morocco, don’t miss the night market, the cafes that overlook the main square, all of which are delicious. In addition, are much cheaper than dining in the most famous restaurants that are mostly located in new cities or in luxury hotels, you should also try mint tea, Which is popular among tourists and locals as well.

Morocco is a wonderful country

In just a few hours from major Arab and European cities, Morocco opens its doors to all kinds of visitors in stunning colors, magnificent architecture, bustling souks, stunning mosques, white seaside towns that adorn the sea, and medieval city centers, spectacular panoramic views ranging from peaks Covered with snow in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the desert while travelling to morocco.

Casablanca may be the most famous city among the Moroccan cities and is home to a huge number of great sights, including the Hassan II Mosque, the largest mosque in Africa, travelers go to visit this vibrant city in search of the traditional Moroccan experience, And admiration for the impressive architecture.

Marrakech city

Which is known as the “red city”, will take your hands for a spectacular journey with unforgettable memories when you return, where you will spend most of your days in an exciting maze between the lively souks, old buildings gates and incomparable defensive walls, including a visit to the Koutoubia Mosque with its magnificent minaret As well as a visit to Jemaa Fna Square, the largest square in Africa, which you will find at the time filled with food stalls and various craft products, it is also an ideal place to listen to the Arabic story, and watch the magicians and learn about the authentic Moroccan customs.

Fez city

takes you into a beautiful maze between the narrow medieval streets, the city’s beautiful gates, as well as the popular tanning factories among tourists that you should not miss while travelling to morocco.

Meknes city

Often called “Versailles Morocco” for its beauty, you will see a blend of architecture and culture dating back to the 17th century, and even today this city represents a journey through history that never ends.

For a more relaxing experience away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities, enjoy the breeze of the sea, head to Asilah, Essaouira, or even enjoy the blue city of Chefchaouen, where everything is found in blue from buildings to roads.

Enjoy a camel ride through the golden sand dunes of the Moroccan Arabian desert, with a night in a desert tent under the glittering stars in the sky.

In conclusion, we hope this 12 Things you need to know before traveling to Morocco. while were enough to give you a general idea.

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