

Morocco Travel tips and Advices

We offer you Morocco Travel tips and Advices, Morocco is a very beautiful country, which contains attractive attractions.
And the many varied markets; and other places that you will enjoy your presence in Morocco when you see it, but there are some
Tips that you should know before deciding to travel to Morocco.

Learn Morocco Travel tips and Advices

Cost and currency

For the currency that you have; you will use while hiking and shopping; it will be by credit card, but taxis, mini-markets, or street vendors will only use cash, so you must
Be careful to have the local currency with you; as for the Moroccan dirham; it is approximately 9.3 dirhams per US dollar or 10.3 euros. and the tourist guide recommends that you exchange 100 euros per day.

How to wear clothes

You should wear clothes that fit you and the city you are in. Men are generally dressed as they like, but women do
And women are more conservative that every woman or boy must wear modest clothing, in order to avoid unwanted attention from some people, even if you dear take many men with you.

One of the most important travel advice to Morocco, too

Learn the language of speaking:

Moroccans speak many languages, including Arabic, Berber, and English, and for this you must be familiar with the English language well
Especially in big cities, knowing that you probably need an interpreter in some rural areas of the country.

Bargaining experience

If you are shopping in the markets or the city, you must be knowledgeable and fully knowledgeable about bargaining
Knowing that many people have different opinions about loving good and generosity to people
But just asking someone on a specific place, or a specific market you would like to go to
The respondent asks for money, but you are a great deal for them.

 Friday is a holy day, and an official holiday:

Dear visitor, you should bear in mind that Morocco is a Muslim country, and therefore you will see all the commercial places closed in preparation for the blessed Friday prayer, and spending time with the family and family.

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The best time to visit Morocco:

Regarding the climate, the appropriate time to visit Morocco or to visit the desert roads is in the middle of the summer, when you are in
You can also Maghreb countries in July and August as they are the hottest months, and the weather can be great on the coast.

The most important basic Berber & dialect words in Morocco:

Hello: Salam alikom / Azul
Thank you : Shukran / Tanmirt

Visiting mosques:

If you want to visit a mosque in Morocco, you may be a non-Muslim, most of the mosques of the countries of the Maghreb are useful only for Muslims and this is with the exception of the Hassan II Grand Mosque in Casablanca, it is very beautiful so far, and it deserves to take pictures from abroad to remember.

The most important Morocco features

No one wants to miss a visit to Morocco, which is very rich in culture; is a wonderful tourist destination for many people, it is one of the pillars of the globe, and the Moroccan government has made a great effort to make tourism, the first in the Arab countries.

  • Morocco has grown significantly over the past few years, its economic growth.
  • Its a land of mystery and a place worth visiting. Morocco is one of the most stable countries in Arab politics.
  • The country makes every effort to promote tourism.
  • It has a high potential for growth and prosperity.

Tourism plans in Morocco 2021:

There is a set of guidelines presented by King Mohammed VI, and he laid down his vision plan in 2021, the government is making a great effort, to make Morocco’s location more unique, it is safer for everyone, in addition to promoting internal tourism.

The government intends to implement good projects aimed at improving railways and land roads, and the open skies policy has allowed more airlines to enter the country, and airports are being developed and new airports are being built to match international standards and support air traffic.

Read also: The most beautiful tourist sites in Rabat

Places of tourism in Morocco:

Morocco is famous for its beaches rich in natural beauty, and you can visit it throughout the whole year. You do not have to worry about the climate, as the atmosphere is enjoyable and distinguished in the country. Morocco also comes to tourists from France and Spain, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, etc.

The Atlas Mountains are considered one of the main destinations for adventure lovers, as these mountains are hidden concerts in Morocco; coastal resorts and beautiful beaches are spread over them, and tourist groups are formed to the Atlas Mountains by explorers and adventurers.

In addition to these exciting mountain Morocco tours, you can get opportunities to ride mountain bikes and there are great paths for hiking, and Morocco is also distinguished by the great diversity of animals and plants that make it an ideal paradise for nature lovers.

Moroccans residing abroad make up a very large part of the tourists who visit Morocco every year, just as the previous beaches were
They are the main tourist attractions as well as ancient Roman and Islamic historical places. ( Morocco Travel tips and Advices )